Gustavo Aguilar, and Thamar Solorio. From English to Code-Switching: Transfer Learning with Strong Morphological Clues. ACL 2020.
P. Patwa*, G. Aguilar*, S. Kar, S. Pandey, S. Pykl, D. Garrette, G. Bjorn, T. Chakraborty, T. Solorio, A. Das. SemEval-2020 Task 9: Overview of Sentiment Analysis of Code-Mixed Tweets. To appear in SemEval 2020.
Gustavo Aguilar, Sudipta Kar, and Thamar Solorio. LinCE: A Centralized Benchmark for Linguistic Code-switching Evaluation. LREC 2020.
Gustavo Aguilar, Yuan Ling, Yu Zhang, Benjamin Yao, Xing Fan, and Edward Guo. Knowlegde Distillation from Internal Representations. AAAI 2020.
Gustavo Aguilar, and Thamar Solorio. Dependency-Aware Named Entity Recognition with Relative and Global Attentions.
Gustavo Aguilar, Viktor Rozgic, Weiran Wang and Chao Wang. Multimodal and Multi-view Models for Emotion Recognition. ACL 2019
Gustavo Aguilar, Fahad AlGhamdi, Victor Soto, Mona Diab, Julia Hirschberg and Thamar Solorio. Overview of the CALCS 2018 Shared Task: Named Entity Recognition on Code-switched Data. W-CALCS at ACL 2018.
Gustavo Aguilar, A. Pastor López Monroy, Fabio A. González and Thamar Solorio. Modeling Noisiness to Recognize Named Entities using Multitask Neural Networks on Social Media. NAACL 2018.
- Gustavo Aguilar, Suraj Maharjan, A. Pastor López Monroy, and Thamar Solorio. A Multi-task Approach for Named Entity Recognition on Social Media Data. W-NUT at EMNLP 2017.
- Gustavo Aguilar, Oscar Dueñas, and Guillermo Cortés (advisor). Diseño de Algoritmo para Rehabilitación Virtual basado en la Cámara Kinect (Virtual Reality Algorithm Using Kinect Camera for Amputees Undergoing Rehabilitation), 2015 — short article based on my bachelor’s thesis.